






  2013年底,九強生物與雅培中國在北京正式簽署生化試劑中國項目戰略合作協(xié)議,經(jīng)過(guò)2年多的合作,雙方加深了解和信任,從而為此次進(jìn)一步更緊密的合作奠定了基礎。此次合作開(kāi)創(chuàng )了中國IVD企業(yè)技術(shù)輸出的先河,具有開(kāi)創(chuàng )性歷史意義;同時(shí)也契合了雅培在生化診斷做到全球領(lǐng)先的戰略規劃,強化了雅培在生化試劑領(lǐng)域的競爭優(yōu)勢。通過(guò)這一合作,雅培公司可以提供更多的生化試劑品種,從而為其用戶(hù)提供更加完善和靈活多樣的的生化檢測菜單,使雅培公司不僅成為免疫診斷領(lǐng)域全球的領(lǐng)頭羊,更通過(guò)此次合作,占據生化診斷領(lǐng)域的全球領(lǐng)先地位,對增強其在全球的競爭力具有重要意義。

  “雅培致力于為全球客戶(hù)提供高質(zhì)量的診斷產(chǎn)品,從而幫助世界各地的人們獲得健康,”雅培診斷業(yè)務(wù)運營(yíng)副總裁Keith Cienkus表示,“我們期待和九強生物緊密合作,九強生物在生化試劑領(lǐng)域的領(lǐng)先技術(shù),在中國良好的聲譽(yù)以及發(fā)展前景,使其成為雅培強有力的合作方。此次合作也契合中國的醫療改革進(jìn)程,借助雅培的全球平臺和經(jīng)驗,幫助中國醫療器械生產(chǎn)企業(yè)更快的走向國際?!?







  雅培,致力于健康,專(zhuān)注于生命,幫助更多人創(chuàng )造更多可能。125多年來(lái),雅培把新的產(chǎn)品和技術(shù)帶向世界——從營(yíng)養品,診斷,醫療器械,到藥品——涵蓋生命的每一個(gè)階段,為生命創(chuàng )造更大可能。如今,雅培全球74,000名員工,正在為全世界150多個(gè)國家的人們生活得更健康和更美好而不懈努力。雅培在中國運營(yíng)近20年, 擁有4000多名員工,總部位于上海。


  北京九強生物技術(shù)股份有限公司(以下簡(jiǎn)稱(chēng)“九強生物”)是一家以生化診斷系統的研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷(xiāo)售為主營(yíng)業(yè)務(wù)的高成長(cháng)型企業(yè),擁有與國際基本同步發(fā)展的系列產(chǎn)品。九強生物一直注重新產(chǎn)品研發(fā),在生化試劑領(lǐng)域具備很強的研發(fā)創(chuàng )新能力。作為國內同行業(yè)的領(lǐng)軍企業(yè),九強生物具備生化診斷試劑全線(xiàn)產(chǎn)品。除了質(zhì)量?jì)?yōu)良的常規項目之外,九強生物還擁有同型半胱氨酸、胱抑素C等優(yōu)勢突出的新項目。近幾年來(lái),公司始終保持著(zhù)高速發(fā)展,生化系統的銷(xiāo)售規模及盈利能力在我國體外診斷試劑行業(yè)中名列前茅。憑借著(zhù)優(yōu)異業(yè)績(jì)和技術(shù)創(chuàng )新,九強生物連續九年上榜“福布斯中國最具潛力中小企業(yè)排行榜”,2014年10月30日,公司在創(chuàng )業(yè)板成功上市,股票代碼為300406。

  Abbott & BSBE Partner on 

  Clinical Chemistry Technology Transfer Agreement

  (Feb 24th, 2016) Today, Abbott, the global health care company, and Beijing Strong Biotechnologies Inc. (“BSBE” for short) signed a strategic “Technology License and Transfer” Agreement in Beijing for Clinical Chemistry testing products. Under the terms of the agreement, BSBE will provide the license and technology to Abbott for Clinical Chemistry products currently manufactured by BSBE in China.  Abbott will pay for the technology License and Transfer with up-front and milestones payments as well as a royalty on sales for  a period of time. The agreement covers 55 products at the current stage, but it grants Abbott the right to add to the list more products from BSBE’s current and future pipelines. New products will continue to be transferred in line with the agreement. 

  Earlier, the two companies reached a strategic agreement in Beijing on clinical chemistry reagents in 2013. The two sides have since deepened mutual understanding and trust, which helps lay a solid foundation for further cooperation. Abbott and BSBE’s cooperation is a milestone for China’s IVD companies in technology transfer. It fits Abbott’s strategy to become a stronger player in the global biochemical reagent industry. This agreement enables Abbott to provide a more comprehensive clinical chemistry assay menu to laboratory customers. The cooperation also means significantly to Abbott’s competitiveness in the global market as it enables the company to be not only a world leader in immunoassay, but also a top-ranking supplier of biochemical diagnostic reagent. 

  “Abbott is committed to providing the high quality diagnostics products to our customers to help improve care for people around the world,” said Keith Cienkus, Divisional Vice President Diagnostics Operations, Abbott. “We look forward to a strong partnership with BSBE. Their deep expertise in clinical chemistry, strong reputation especially in China, and their long term vision makes them a od strategic partner for Abbott. The agreement is also in line with China’s healthcare reform. In particular, it is expected to help local medical device manufacturers expand footprint by leveraging Abbott’s global platform and expertise.” 

  "Abbott is a well-respected company and also a global leader in the IVD industry. We have already had fruitful cooperation in the past and the agreement will raise the curtain of further cooperation on the worldwide stage. BSBE's offer of technologies will help Abbott expand its range of biochemical diagnostic products. In return, BSBE will receive milestone payments and a royalty on the sales revenue in the global market. This will definitely be a win-win cooperation," said Zou Zuojun, President of BSBE.

  BSBE has been participated in several national 863 bioscience technological research projects. This new agreement honors BSBE’s specialization in biochemical diagnostic reagent to become a leader in R&D, technology as well as quality. The cooperation will not only lay the foundation for BSBE’s steady and stable growth in the future, but further boost the R&D capabilities to consolidate its leading position in the biochemical reagent business. The cooperation also unveils the globalization of BSBE and lays the foundation to explore the world market.

  About Abbott Diagnostics Business

  Abbott is a global leader in in vitro diagnostics offering a broad portfolio spanning immunoassay, clinical chemistry, hematology, blood screening, molecular, point of care and informatics. Our diagnostics solutions are more than just a test or data point, they are designed to anticipate, leverage and improve decision-making and patient care across the entire health care system. Today, Abbott’s Diagnostics businesses develop and commercialize in vitro diagnostics instruments, tests and related automation and informatics solutions for use in hospitals, reference labs, physician offices, emergency departments, critical care and remote settings. Our solutions are sold to more than 22,000 customers in more than 100 countries around the world.

  About Abbott

  At Abbott, we’re committed to helping you live your best possible life through the power of health. For more than 125 years, we’ve brought new products and technologies to the world -- in nutrition, diagnostics, medical devices and branded generic pharmaceuticals that create more possibilities for more people at all stages of life. Today, 74,000 of us are working to help people live not just longer, but better, in the more than 150 countries we serve.

  Abbott has been operating in China for nearly 20 years and provides Chinese consumers with a diverse range of nutrition, pharmaceutical and medical products. Abbott has more than 4,000 employees in China and is headquartered in Shanghai.  

  About BSBE

  BSBE is a fast developing company that focuses on the R&D, production and sales of biochemical diagnostic reagent. BSBE boasts strong R&D capabilities in biochemical reagent with its consistent pursuit of new products. As an industry pioneer in China, the company owns a full range of biochemical diagnostic reagent products. Apart from regular projects featuring premium quality, BSBE possesses small but prominent new ones such as homocysteine, Cystatin C. The company‘s sales and profitability of biochemical products are top-ranked in China’s in vitro diagnostic reagent business over the last few years. It is also named for nine straight years by Forbes as one of China’s most promising SMEs thanks to its excellent performances and technological innovation. BSBE is listed on the growth enterprise board. Its stock code is 300406. 

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